Dimple P. Desai

"When an exotic deadly virus escapes during a looming hurricane, can a skeletal crew left on an island cut off by the military, fight and survive?"
When a deadly virus escapes laboratory containment in the midst of hurricane season, can a team of doctors and nurses at a nearby university hospital cut off from the rest of the world fight to keep themselves and their patients alive? The Lambda Factor, while fictional, provokes reader to consider what if an illness like COVID-19 had instead originated in the US? The ground realities for such an event already exist; from ongoing climate change, weakened regulatory environment, skepticism of science, and unchecked excesses of a military industrial complex. What could we do differently?


Dimple Desai is a family medicine physician, born in Florida, but raised in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. She did her medical training in Galveston, Texas at the University of Texas Medical Branch, where both of her rambunctious boys were born, and it is where she drew her inspiration for her debut fictional novel The Lambda Factor.
Dimple spends her free time with her husband, sons and her two fur babies Boo and Hermione, when she isn’t writing or obsessively reading. When Dimple is not occupied with unfinished household chores, failed vegetarian cooking experiments, or chauffeuring her children to various activities she participates in fulfilling another lifelong passion of traveling, proclaiming herself as an adventurer.
Dimple has been a lifelong literary nerd and a storyteller at heart, her true passion lay in medical fiction.
Dimple has drawn deeply from my background as a family physician and scientist to bring The Lambda Factor to life. Living in both Texas and Florida and experiencing several hurricanes has been been eye opening. After residency she personally assisted in disaster recovery efforts at the Dallas Medical Society Mega shelter in 2017 after Hurricane Harvey and in Puerto Rico in 2017 after Hurricane Irma. As such Dimple is truly passionate about bringing awareness from a healthcare standpoint about the complexities that transpire during a crisis to a broad audience.